Monday, February 16, 2015

Strawberry Dipped in Chocolate

After a harsh winter in Bangalore.....Yes, as per a bangalorean's standard the winter was HARSH!! You see we are one set of people who are always particular and picky about weather.. The summer usually comes with a riot of colors in Bangalore and It's beautiful to see Red and Juicy Strawberry's everywhere. Literally the streets are lined with fruit vendors showing off these red beauties and I just love my Strawberry Banana Milk Shake (Will share the recipe soon)

This time i had an important occasion and i wanted to use the fruit of the season to the fullest. This is the simplest and the most hazzle free kid friendly recipe. The easiest way to get the fruit to be eaten.


Strawberry - 1 Packet
Cooking Chocolate 
Sprinkles - your choice
Small Skewers
Stand / Cut Potato

Cooking Method

Wash strawberry in salt water followed by vinegar water and plain water, Dry it completely- This step removes all toxins, pesticides, I do it for all fruits.
Break the chocolates into small pieces, Melt it either in a double boiler or in a microwave.
Pierce the Strawberry stem side with a skewer stick.
Pour the chocolate over the strawberry.
Sprinkle the sugar balls
Pierce the Strawberry into the potato.
The chocolate will set in 10 min

Enjoy Strawberry dipped in chocolate with your favorite dessert.

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